Home Kharkiv Cycling police officers start in Khakiv

Cycling police officers start in Khakiv


Today cycling police began patrolling Kharkiv, reports Newsroom (RU).

Since August 4, 100 workers of Kharkiv patrol police, including 29 cyclists, will keep oversee order. Cycling police will patrol the city’s parks, water parks and other recreational places.


“Bicycles are quite maneuverable. It will better patrol the pedestrian areas, move freely through the alleys of parks, allowing more quickly get to the scene. In addition, the police will patrol beaches, warn beachgoers about the obligations of compliance with safety regulations,” noted the police regional department.

13935061_1047635995334364_8415501307657772103_nAt the session of the City Council officials have allocated 500,000 UAH for the purchase of 25 bicycles and sets of special cycling clothing for police platoon.

6fb1f38c0b15f11a69d7930fea4eaeb5BACKGROUND: Today at Freedom Square will be held celebrations on the occasion of the first anniversary of Ukraine’s National Police. According to the decree of President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko, August 4 in Ukraine is the official Day of National Police. During the event, it is planned to hold a parade, demonstrations of special units and a concert.


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