The President Petro Poroshenko met with the leadership of successful Ukrainian startups, to discuss the problems and needs of the industry, reports the press service of Presidential Administration of Ukraine.
The meeting was attended by Andrey Kolodyuk (Chairman UVCA, managing partner of AVentures Capital), Elena Kosharna (member of the supervisory board UVCA, Managing Partner of Horizon Capital), Evgeny Utkin (KM Core, SVCA member), Vlad Tislenko (Concepter), Dmitriy Kostik (Kodisoft) and others.
Discussion key points were:
1. To establish a special state institution responsible for innovations
2. Protection of intellectual property.
3. Simplification of the conditions for obtaining a work visa and others.
According to IT experts, the Head of State noted prospects of the Ukrainian IT sector, promised to learn carefully all proposals and hold another meeting with the industry representatives.

Poroshenko emphasizes that the authorities are working to improve the investment climate, inter alia, through the constitutional amendments on judiciary. Amendments are also made in the sphere of tax administration and protection of fair and transparent business from any harassment by the law enforcement bodies.
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