Home Kharkiv Open data portal for Verkhovna Rada

Open data portal for Verkhovna Rada


A web resource about the Ukraine Parliament and its MPs has been unveiled in Kharkiv.

The portal allows the public to keep track of who and how MPs voted for the bills, and what issues were discussed in the sessions, reports Objective (RU).

photo_bigThe portal is being run in collaboration with the Office of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine and civic organization Opora. Social activists believe this way every Ukrainian will be able to use information from public documents more actively and effectively. The resource will make Parliament more open to people.

The portal collects the regulatory framework of Ukraine, financial and economic information, data on each deputy, which bills he supported and which he never voted. Key changes, such as the course of plenary sessions, are updated hourly and all other information daily.

“Opora in Kharkiv is engaged in monitoring the deputies, the parliamentary parties and to encourage the population to actively engage with parliament. We develop our mechanisms, we have in the works contact card of the parliamentary parties and MPs, and where people can address them,” said Opora consultant Catherine Minkina.

Similar presentations of the portal open data already held in Kyiv, Vinnytsya, Chernivtsi, Dnipropetrovsk. Next city is Lviv.

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