Home Business Kharkiv: First in overall region ranking

Kharkiv: First in overall region ranking

Photo from shkolazhizni.ru

The Cabinet of Ministers has published data on monitoring the socio-economic development for regions in 2015 and Kharkiv was first among equals

This information is provided on the website of the Ministry of Regional Development, Construction and Housing and Communal Services of Ukraine.

Out of all regions, Kharkiv is in the top five in the following areas:

  • 1st – availability and quality of services in education
  • 2nd – renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency
  • 3rd – financial self-sufficiency
  • 3rd – rational use of natural resources and environmental quality
  • 5th – development of small and medium-sized enterprises

According to the overall rating assessment of socio-economic development for 2015, first place went to Kiev (city), second to Kharkiv region, third to Chernivtsi region.

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“It’s a nice precedent for us. We worked hard on it,” said the head of Kharkiv Regional State Administration, Igor Rainin.

BACKGROUND: The overall rating of the regions is based on 64 indicators, grouped into 12 areas. On 5 lines Kharkiv region is among the top five.

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