Home Business Kharkiv second for innovations

Kharkiv second for innovations

Photo from www.innovationcoach.com

Department of Statistics has provided data showing the Kharkiv region having the second highest level of innovative activity of industrial enterprises, reports Kharkiv Regional Council.

In 2015, in the innovative activity, 117 companies (28.6%) were engaged. The national index is 17.3%.

The enterprises spent 667 million UAH on innovations, % of which:

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The main financing source of innovative activity is their own funds, while non-budgetary funds account for 1.4 million UAH and 49 million UAH in loans.

Screen Shot 2016-04-23 at 9.02.54 AMAmong companies engaged in innovation activities, enterprises of the processing industry dominate with 91.5% of the total number. The other ratio presented below:

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Introduction of innovations in 2015 involved 97 companies (23.7% of the surveyed industrial or 82.9% of those that were engaged in innovation).

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