Home Education Database launched for students of all IT-specialties of Ukrainian universities

Database launched for students of all IT-specialties of Ukrainian universities


Prospective students who want to devote the life to technology and programming has become easier to choose the university.

Industry Association “IT Ukraine” has launched a website with a database of all IT departments of Ukrainian state universities, informs AIN (RU).

On the site, it is possible to select a city in which the applicant wishes to study, university, departments and faculties. Baselines scores of External Independent Testing (EIT), tuition, specialties, place in the rankings of employment are indicated in the information about the department.

databaseTotal site has information about 160 departments, their key features, application technologies, which are studied at the department, software and programming languages.

There is also an opportunity to read about the teachers of the department and find out what IT-companies are constantly working with the Department of Employment of graduates.

The Association emphasized that the project is non-profit, and the purpose of its launch – to improve the quality of higher education in the IT-sphere, to stimulate competition between universities.

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