Home Kharkiv IDPs will pay 3 times more for housing

IDPs will pay 3 times more for housing


From July, the cost of accommodation in Kharkiv modular town for IDPs will rise three times – up to 352 UAH, reports the press service of the City Council (RU).

Fees have increased due to utility price hikes. Furthermore, the town offers security services, garbage collection, clean-up, maintenance systems. The fee for the light is basic, because in the town there is no gas, and it works on electricity.

“Previously, the rate never increased (it was about 100 UAH – ed.) and is a necessary measure. The state provides social benefits for utilities and rent. Many people work in modular town, receive pension benefits. Therefore, we have calculated the new amount will be quite affordable,” explained the deputy mayor of Kharkiv on Health and Social Welfare Svetlana Gorbunova-Ruban.

The 50% of all services provided are to be paid by the local budget, and 50% – by the inhabitants of the town.

BACKGROUND: Pensioners, children, students of full-time education, mothers who are on leave to care for a child up to 3 years receive targeted assistance in the amount of 884 UAH, and the able-bodied get 442 UAH.

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