On April 23 near the main building of the Kharkiv Karazin National University opened pedestals to three Nobel laureates: Ilya Mechnikov, Lev Landau and Simon Kuznets, informs StroyObzor (RU).
Rector of the University Vil Bakirov noted that a lot of prominent names from science, education, literature, culture and art aligned with history of the university.
“I want to thank the sculptor Alexander Ridnyi and Anna Ivanova, architect Pavel Chechelnitsky, builders and member of the Supervisory Board of the University Alexander Yaroslavsky, who approved the idea of creating this architectural composition and provided substantial financial assistance in the implementation of the project,” said the rector.

The opening ceremony was attended by students and teachers of Kharkiv University, the regional administration management, as well as the head of the Presidential Administration of Ukraine Borys Lozhkyn, who was in Kharkiv with a working visit.
BACKGROUND: All three Nobel laureates at various times worked in Karazin University.
Ilya Mechnikov – a graduate of Kharkiv University, one of the founders of evolutionary embryology, the discoverer of phagocytosis and intracellular digestion, creator of comparative pathology of inflammation, phagocytic theory of immunity, the founder of scientific gerontology.
Lev Landau 1935-1937 year was head of the department in Kharkiv University. He became a recognized classic of science in his lifetime, he was elected an honorary member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Denmark, the Netherlands, the USA and Germany.
Simon Kuznets studied during the Civil War in Kharkiv University on law faculty, influenced the world economic thought of the middle and second half of the XX century. He is known primarily as the father of the concept of gross domestic product (GDP).
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