Home Kharkiv 15 million UAH for police and National Guard needs in Kharkiv

15 million UAH for police and National Guard needs in Kharkiv


In 2016-2017 in the Kharkiv region plan to allocate more than 15 million UAH for equipment for police and National Guard needs, reports Vlada (RU).

It was disclosed in the document “Regional Program to ensure public safety and order in the Kharkiv region” which was developed within the framework of the KRSA’s counter-terrorism strategy.

According to the document, the financing of the activities is carried out at the expense of the regional budget and from other sources not prohibited by legislation. The approximate amount of funding is 15 million 262 thousand UAH.

So, for two years it is planned to purchase modern hardware and software for analysis of telecommunication systems of information for what is allocated 895,000 UAH.

Also acquire modern means of communication for the squads of patrol police service, the National Guard, for which allocated 3 million UAH. On the provision of uniforms, protective equipment, active defense means – 2 million UAH.

A total of 1.9 million UAH will be allocated for the purchase of two vehicles, and 700,000 UAH on tablets and dashboard cameras.

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