Home Culture Kharkivens create app to see tattoo in real-time

Kharkivens create app to see tattoo in real-time


Application Ink Hunter lets you visualize any tattoo before it becomes permanent, reports Hyser (RU).

It looks pretty realistic, and works very simply.

You simply draw a square smiley face on the area you want your tattoo, point your phone’s camera, and the tattoo will be overlaid onto the skin.

collage6532In the gallery there are a few dozen copyright sketches on various subjects: skulls, ornaments, characters and more. Also it is possible to upload your own sketches, choosing them from the application “Photos”.

collage34790After finding the desired angle, make photos and can quickly change the different tattoos and customize their appearance, so they look more realistic. There are several display options, including transparency, contrast and filters for this purpose. There is an option that allows you to see how your tattoo will look in a few years.

ink-hunterApplication Ink Hunter was created by students of one of the Kharkiv universities within the framework of the 48-hour Hackaton and distributed free of charge. Now it is available for iOS, but the developers promise in the future to develop Android and Windows Phone versions.

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