Home Business Ukraine exports to the EU down by 25%

Ukraine exports to the EU down by 25%

Photo from news.sarbc.ru

Export of Ukrainian goods and services to the European Union dropped by 25% in 2015, equivalent to 15.3 billion dollars.

The decrease of exports of services totalled 28.4%, goods – 23.4%

The corresponding infographics were published on the official website of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade on Twitter.

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At the same time, the share of services in total exports to Europe reached 14.8% in 2015, products: 85.2%.

Diagram were created at infogr.am
Diagram were created at infogr.am

The surplus of the foreign trade in goods in Ukraine amounted to 632.5 million dollars by the end of 2015 against a deficit of 527 million UAH on the results of 2014.

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