Home Business More than 900 millionaires registered in Ukraine

More than 900 millionaires registered in Ukraine

Photo from www.hristiane.ru

In 2015, 903 Ukrainians declared incomes exceeding 1 million UAH, reported the press service of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine.

The total income of the declared amounts to 4.6 billion UAH.

Millioneers have to pay jointly in 2016 233.7 million UAH. Compared with the same period last year this number increased by 81.8 million UAH, or 54%. The largest sums are to be paid by millioneers from Kiev, Kharkiv and Dnepropetrovsk regions.

In general, Ukrainians have filed nearly 105 thousand declartions of property and income.

Last year, by March 5, Ukraine had 258 citizens, who declared more than 1 million UAH savings.

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