Home Business Portal for geo-information unveiled in Ukraine

Portal for geo-information unveiled in Ukraine

Photo from geoportal.org.ua

A geoportal highlighting the “administrative-territorial structure of Ukraine” has been revealed.

It was presented at a meeting of the Interagency Coordinating Committee on Regional Development, according to the web-portal ukrainian government.

Geoportal covers the database on the current status and future plans of the administrative-territorial structure of Ukraine.

This is the first-ever online platform containing the maximum amount of information for public access.

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“The General scheduling scheme in Ukraine should be a route map for the direction of development of each region,” said Deputy Prime Minister Gennady Zubko.

He also reminded that the “Sustainable Development Strategy of Ukraine 2020” (only in Russian) includes the reform of regional policy and the establishment of the new format with the central government regional relations.

“The Commission will coordinate the activities of central and local executive bodies in the formulation and implementation of the state regional policy,” added Zubko.

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BACKGROUND. Strategy for Sustainable Development “Ukraine-2020” is a document that defines the direction and priorities of the development of Ukraine for the period till 2020. The strategy was developed on the initiative of the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko. Strategy-2020 includes 62 reforms, with the aim to achieve European living standards and a worthy place of Ukraine in the world.

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