Home Education The OSCE will work with the Kharkiv youth

The OSCE will work with the Kharkiv youth


Special monitoring mission of the OSCE (SMM) in Ukraine has expanded its initiative on formation of Youth contact groups to build up dialogue, as said on the website of organization.

According to the mission, the contact groups will be formed in Kharkiv, Lviv and Kramatorsk in the next few months to facilitate a dialogue with a view to reduce tension in society and to promote normalization of the situation.

“After the success of the Youth contact groups in Kiev the mission aims to unite young people from different regions of Ukraine including those regions that are not currently under the control of the government. The OSCE wants to give young people an opportunity to become experts of building of a dialogue in their country. These initiatives will help the Ukrainian youth to establish better cooperation with the aid of the mission to develop practical means of dialogue to solve the problems that arise in society as a result of the conflict,” said in the OSCE.

The OSCE Mission invites young people aged from 18 to 25 years to join the work of groups. The application for participation can be filed here.

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