Home Business Startups Fair will be held in Kharkiv

Startups Fair will be held in Kharkiv

Photo from mashable.com

March 27, Startups Fair by Jewish Smart Community will be held at the Jewish Cultural Center “Beit Dan”. The event is organized with the support of the Youth Council under mayor of Kharkiv.

According to the organizers, the Startups Fair is a rare opportunity to receive support and effective tool for the development of your ideas as well as understand the advantages and disadvantages of the project.

Screen Shot 2016-03-22 at 2.36.11 PMAt the Startups Fair you will be able to:
– present your project, attracting attention of potential investors, together with a possibility of winning a grant (6.000 UAH);
– learn how to submit an idea;
– receive the expertise of the project;
– learn to correctly estimate all possible risks;
– communicate with other members and make new business contacts.


  1. Sergey Efremov, “Who is StartUper and how to become one?”
  2. Roman Katerinchik: “How to promote your idea?”
  3. Tatiana Ryabchenko: “Progress in social networks”

You can participate in the fair, as the presenter of your project/idea, and participant-listener. Be registered here (RU).

Details of the event you can find on the official website Vkontakte (RU) and on Facebook (RU).

Where: JCC “Beit Dan” (Tobolskaya Street 46)
When: March 27
Time: 16:30
Price: Free admission

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