Home Culture Living library today in Kharkiv

Living library today in Kharkiv

On Sunday, September 18, the “Living Library” event will take place in Fabrika.space.

“Living Library” is an international project of Danish origin. This action is designed to overcome the stereotypes that exist in society in relation to certain people.

The library contains of the following “books”:

  1. Sikh
  2. Traveler
  3. Genderqueer 
  4. Muslim
  5. Vegan
  6. Calligrapher
  7. Scientologist and others.

Where: Fabrika.space (Blagovischenska Steet, 1)
When: September 18
Time: 14:00-19:00
Price: Entrance is free

BACKGROUND: The idea of the event is that it will be possible to “check-out” people like books in a library and listen to their stories. The “people-books” can not talk more than 30 minutes. Time can be extended (by mutual agreement) for another 30 minutes if the “book” is not required by anyone else.

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