Home Kharkiv Kharkiv tests new mobile payment for parking

Kharkiv tests new mobile payment for parking


In Kharkiv, a new system of payment for parking at municipal areas with a mobile phone has been launched, reports Objective (RU).

The mobile parking system begins with registration. To do this, it needs to send sms on number 896 with any text. Then fill up the parking account and write another message: English letter S, the number of municipal parking and registration number of the car, which then will be used automatically.

Dmitry Mandrikov, director of public utiluty “Kharkivparkservis” told: “The system involves the use of several cars that can be linked to your account. If you have 2 or 3 cars you can add them by sending sms with text A, space and enter the number of the car. Thus it’s possible to use personal account linked to your phone.”

start_park1To end the use of the parking services it needs to send sms with the English letter F on the same phone number. You will receive a message confirming completion of the session, its price and the current balance of the parking account. It’s possible to refill account with the help of scratch cards, which are sold in 150 points of the network “Kisset”, and via the site 896.com.ua.

“Parking attendants at this stage, will continue their work, they will also control and monitor the payment by ordinary requests,” Mandrikov said.

In the plans is the development of mobile applications and launch of hourly reminders about parking. Now the system is running in test mode on all 54 municipal parkings in Kharkiv.

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