Home Business Employers willing to pay more for knowledge of foreign languages

Employers willing to pay more for knowledge of foreign languages


Analysts recruitment portal rabota.ua (RU) conducted a study summary of applicants for English language skills, according to AIN.UA (RU).

It turned out, the most highly paid professionals, such as programmers and directors, speak English.

The top 10 spheres in which candidates must know English (data for January-May 2016)


Good knowledge of English allows the candidate to qualify for more jobs, and the higher is the level, the more possibilities open before him.

Top 10 spheres that require knowledge of English


For candidates with language skills employers are willing to pay more.

Language proficiency level Offered salary
Average value
Language skills not necessary 6 401
Below average and basic 7 492
Intermediate and upper-intermediate 10 732
Advanced and proficiency 12 209

As a result, in all spheres fluent English is typical for not more than 12% of the candidates, although the salary of specialists who do not speak a foreign language, and professionals with excellent English, varies by almost half – 6,400 UAH compared to 12 200 UAH.

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