“Sex Dialogues” is an international interactive project- collaboration of artists, designers, architects, media artists, composers and sound designers.
Opening of the “Sex Dialogues” project will take place in Ermilov Centre on June 10 at 20.00, informs Kharkivdozor (RU).
“Interactivity is the language of modern technology, which breaks into the territory of art.
“Within the framework of the project “Sex Dialogues” we aim to reveal the concept of interaction and communication in a broader social context, transforming stable constructs that are not subject to revision in modern society. One of these concepts is sex, which is still taboo in the public mind,” stated the project.

Sex dialogues: experiment of a new conversation on a familiar topic that seemingly have nothing to say, it is the exchange of experiences between people with different backgrounds, a symbiosis of art, which is to become not just a contingent association of different practices and techniques, but create a new form, which will enable modern form of interactive media to be integrated into the old shell – whether interactive sculptures or interactive object.
Managers of the project are Nick Acorn (Ukraine / Austria), Victoria Bavykina (Ukraine).
Participants of the project: Vitaliy Kohan (Ukraine), Takuto Fukuda (Austria / Japan), Konstantin Zorkin (Ukraine), Nicola Lecca (Austria / Italy), Gamlet Zinkovsky (Ukraine) and others.
Other post on the topic: Sex art project set for Kharkiv.