Home Business Ukrainians to take part in NASA developments

Ukrainians to take part in NASA developments

Photo from www.data.gov

This year, any Ukrainian will have an opportunity to take part in the development of NASA projects.

April 23-24,  an annual 48-hour Hackathon global scale “NASA SpaceApps Challenge”, will be held for the first time in Ukraine, reports AIN.

The organizer and one of the mentors of the Kiev NASA SpaceApps Challenge Andrew Begunov explains: “The world needs new ideas. We want to create a Ukrainian space community to promote Ukraine as a full-fledged space power with great potential for innovation.”

Engineers, developers, designers, entrepreneurs, robotics, analytics processing of large data, professionals and students are invited to take part in Hackathon. There are no special requirements to the participants.

A list of tasks is posted on NASA SpaceApps Challenge Initiative website. Registration will be open until April 15.

The jury, which includes well-known scientists and leaders of the space industry of Ukraine and mentors from different fields, will assess the working prototypes. They will pick up the three best projects. NASA experts will determine the winners in special categories.

The event is held on the initiative of the US program of the National Agency for Aeronautics and NASA Incubator innovation program space. Hackathon was organized by enthusiasts with the support of sponsors.

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