Home Culture “War Diary” of judge-sniper will present in Kharkiv

“War Diary” of judge-sniper will present in Kharkiv

Photo by Alexander Mamaluy from Facebook

On Saturday, March 12, a presentation of the book “War Diary” by sniper Alexander Mamaluy will be held in Kharkiv, reports Kharkiv Newsroom.

The publication includes  military notes, which he wrote on the phone during his combat missions in the ATO area. The book tells the story of his way to the front, his mates, who fought in Donbass during 2014-2015.

All proceeds from book sales will be sent to the Kharkiv hospital.

Where: Palace of the students of the Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University (Pushkinskaya, 88)
When: March 12
Time: 16:00
Price: Admission is free

BACKGROUND: Alexander Mamaluy – the judge of the economic court, PhD, Lecturer. Voluntarily went to the front in 2014. As part of the 93rd Separate Guards Mechanized Brigade was in Avdeevka, Pisky, Netaylovo and Pervomaysk. In September 2014 and in January 2015, he participated in fighting at Donetsk airport. After demobilization he went to serve in the border troops.

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