Home Culture Gorky Park announced a funny photo contest with a snowman

Gorky Park announced a funny photo contest with a snowman


In Maxim Gorky Central Park for Culture and Recreation announced a photo contest “Travel of a snowman”.

The competition conditions are such that the usual picture of snowman is not enough – it is necessary to take a picture of snowman in motion.

71996_originalAccording to the press service of the park, it is possible, for example, to take photo of snowman at the kick sled, on the alley or even take with you on amusement rides.

Fantasy of the participants in this issue is not limited. The only thing for the sake of the bright and unusual image is not worth sacrificing safety.

The most successful photo is necessary to publish in Instagram, Vkontakte with the hashtag #park_ua.

The authors of the five best works will receive prizes from the park.

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