Home Kharkiv Despite severe weather conditions trains from Kharkiv run slick

Despite severe weather conditions trains from Kharkiv run slick


Railroad men from Kharkiv Southern Railway take all possible measures so that in difficult weather conditions ensure uninterrupted secure transportations of passengers and cargo.

The deterioration of weather conditions over the past days was observed in Kharkiv, Sumy and Poltava management of rail transportation. Due to heavy snowfall at the stations of South Railway the snow cover reaches 40 cm.

In the process of relieving the consequences of the difficult weather conditions 3,106 railway workers were involved in cleaning switches and tracks from snow drifts.

During snowfall they focus on cleaning and strewing with special materials 313 landing platforms and 695 crossings of railway, reported the press service of the department.

For cleaning station tracks daily enlist 6 snow cutters and 6 mechanical snow ploughs and groups of workers to clean snow on switches, crossings and platforms.

Rapid response of railway gauge services of Kharkiv Southern Railway helped to ensure the uninterrupted transportation of passengers and cargo, stressed in the department.