Home Culture Volunteers ask to help the Kharkiv rehabilitation center for ATO soldiers

Volunteers ask to help the Kharkiv rehabilitation center for ATO soldiers

Photo from social networks

Volunteer organization “Sestra myloserdiya ATO” (“ATO sister of Mercy“) on the Facebook page stated that Kharkiv volunteers will repair the rehabilitation center for soldiers of ATO. The center will open soon on the basis of the camp that belongs to machine-building plant “FED”(Felix Edmundovich Dzerzhinsky).

“The active renovation is in progress at the moment. We work hard: during the week and on weekends […]. We have bought construction materials: paint, brushes, nails, etc. We changed the water taps and now water can flow. Now we are painting the walls,” informs the post.

Currently rehabilitation center needs: bedclothes, bathroom equipment, daily life goods, utensils and others. You can find a complete list of needed items here.

Also, there was information that the Kharkiv Military Medical Clinical Center of the Northern region needs diphtheria serum. “The guy with severe diphtheria was hospitalized. We need a serum against diphtheria (150000 international units), – the report says. 50000 are already found (5 vials, the cost of  1.000 UAH), they are on the way from Kiev to Kharkiv. If anyone knows where to get another 100,000 international units (this is 10 vials), please respond”.

Recall that recently the free hostel has been opened for soldiers from ATO zone. Civic body “Azov” created it in Kharkiv.

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