Home Business Kharkiv paid 50 million for environmental pollution

Kharkiv paid 50 million for environmental pollution

The main State Fiscal Service in the Kharkiv region reported that since the beginning of 2015, 50 million UAH of environmental tax has been paid in the Kharkiv region.

The state budget received 10 million UAH, and the rest went to the local budgets. The region employs 4.3 thousand payers of the environmental tax.

So, the environmental taxes are paid by economic entities that carry out:

  • Emissions of pollutants into the air from stationary sources of pollution;
  • Discharges of pollutants into water bodies;
  • Waste disposal;
  • Production of radioactive waste (including already accrued);
  • Temporary storage of radioactive waste by their producers in excess of the special conditions of the license term.

The State Fiscal Service also reminded that since January 1st 2015, an environmental tax on emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere by mobile sources is not paid.