Home Kharkiv More than 250 Ukrainian flags sent into the zone of ATO

More than 250 Ukrainian flags sent into the zone of ATO

Foto from: ngu.gov.ua

On the 19th of September, volunteers passed the national flags to the Eastern soldiers of Territorial Administration of the National Guard of Ukraine.

Natalya Grinenko sewed more than 250 national flags with the financial support of the businessman, the head of one of the IT-companies of Ukraine, Dmitrо Sverbilov.

“I found on Facebook that the help is needed. We spent over a week and the biggest difficulty is in a large volume of monotonous work,” said Natalya Grinenko.

The flags are of different sizes, for roadblocks – bigger, for military equipment – of average size. Several «celebratory» flags came in a big size. Now volunteers have started making small flags for the cars of National Guard.

The Colonel Vasyl Pylypenko, who is now in the ATO area, confirmed: “The valuable consignment is received! We started delivering flags at the checkpoint of the National Guard!”. According to Pilipenko, the soldiers had an idea: on the biggest flags all soldiers serving in the area of the ATO can leave their signatures. These flags will return to Kharkov Museum.