Home Corruption Kharkiv looks for anti-corruption fighters

Kharkiv looks for anti-corruption fighters


National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine (NABU) has announced it is taking on detectives who will work in Kharkiv. Debunkers of bribe-takers will be paid more than 30,000 UAH per month, but experts warn that work is hard.

Short_en_00052NABU territorial department is looking for senior investigators and detectives who will identify and investigate corruption offenses, collect data of suspects, conduct operational searches and investigative actions.

According to Segodnya (RU), people with higher legal education and work experience in the specialty more than two years can apply. Applicants should be aware of the legislation, elementary psychology, fundamental of economics and financial transactions, fluent Ukrainian and be stress resistant. People who meet these requirements may send to NABU documents for participation before August 1.

detective-TV-quizNABU said it can receive representatives from any region of Ukraine. Detective’s salary is 33,060 UAH, and the senior detective is 38,280 UAH. In Kharkiv, eight people will work and be engaged in corruption cases not only in Kharkiv but Sumy, Dnipro, Zaporizhia, Donetsk and Lugansk regions.

“Creating a territorial department in Kharkiv is only the first step. I hope in the future the staff will increase,” said the only representative of the Council of public control of NABU from Kharkiv Vladimir Rysenko.

According to the co-coordinator of the Kharkiv Anti-Corruption Center Eugene Lisichkin, Kharkiv office NABU might start a fight with bribe-takers from large state-owned enterprises.

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