The issue of a visa-free regime for Georgia in the European Union will be considered separately from Ukraine.
This special decision was taken yesterday and will be published today or tomorrow, as the European Parliament rapporteur on Georgia Andres Mamykins said in an interview with “Rustavi 2“.
“I want to congratulate the Georgians. Questions of Georgia and Ukraine were officially separated and the subject of visa requirements for your country will be considered separately. Although I hope that sooner or later Ukraine will have visa-free access to the EU, as this is important both for Ukrainians and Europeans, as well as for Georgia and all of the Eastern partnership,” he said.
It should be noted Ukraine and Georgia could get the proposal on the visa-free regime with the EU at the same point.
The representative of Ukraine in the PACE Vladimir Aryev said that the shifting happened due to the requirements of the Netherlands: they want to review it after the referendum on the EU-Ukraine Association, to be held on April 6 2016.
During this time, the Verhovna Rada of Ukraine should finalize the law on electronic declarations and run the anti-corruption agency.
Feel free to read the news: Myths and reality of the visa-free regime and Visa-free regime could be in question because of the controversial amendment.