Home Business Ukrainian IT company among fastest growing in Europe

Ukrainian IT company among fastest growing in Europe

Photo from www.newswire.com

Jury of award Stevie Awards, gave GOLD STEVIE WINNER to Ukrainian company Clickky in the Company/Organization category for Fastest-Growing Company of the Year – in Europe, according to AIN.UA.

Clickky makes automated platform to promote mobile applications.

Screen Shot 2016-08-30 at 11.36.08 AMBACKGROUND: The Stevie Award Competitions were created in 2002 to recognize accomplishments and contributions of companies and business people worldwide. Michael P. Gallagher, an American businessman, conceived the Stevie Awards as a way to “restore public confidence and investor trust” after the Enron scandal in 2001.

This year, more than 3,800 applications from more than 60 countries were submitted for the award. Most gold medals Gold Stevie Award collected advertising agency of South Korea HS Ad – more than 13 gold Stevie. The jury in 2016 included more than 200 directors of companies from around the world.

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