Home Business Kharkiv Bread Factory delivers products to Africa

Kharkiv Bread Factory delivers products to Africa

Photo from doska.ykt.ru

Novopokrovskiy Factory of bakeries (Kharkiv region, Chuguev district) is to start deliveries of flour, semolina and bran to Libya, Angola and the United Arab Emirates, according to Elevatorist.com (RU) referring to the chief plant sales department Valentina Demyanenko.

According to Demyanenko, in previous years, the company has exported to Georgia, Moldova, Belarus, Israel, China, Africa, Benin and Sierra Leone.

“Novopokrovskiy Factory of bakeries” takes a leading position in Ukraine on the flour, semolina and bran export. Every year, 45-50 thousand tons of exported products are produced in the factory,” noted Demyanenko.

Screen Shot 2016-08-22 at 1.40.44 PMBACKGROUND: The factory was founded in 1988, is one of the largest producers of flour, semolina, animal feed, bran, as well as protein-vitamin-mineral supplements. The company employs about 500 people.

Plant structure includes: silo for 54,000 tons, grain drying complex with capacity of 50 t/h, laboratory manufactory capacity of 500 tons/day, line for packing flour.

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