Home Culture Concerts and laser show on water for Kharkivens

Concerts and laser show on water for Kharkivens

Photos from city.kharkov.ua

From August 22-24, a series of events dedicated to the City Day and Independence Day of Ukraine, will take place near Strilka Square.

Concerts will take place on the stage, which is installed on the water, and feature performers of jazz and pop-rock music, opera and pop singers, dance and vocal ensembles of the city.


August 22 (19:30-21:30)

  • choreographic composition on stage and on floating boats
  • presentation “Laboratory mad scientists”
  • cover-band “Debosh”
  • projection-laser show on the water

10366cce44b6ffba413423a0214e12c1August 23 (19: 00-21: 30)

  • flash mob of brides on the bridge of lovers
  • cover-band “Orbis”
  • concert with the participation of the winners and finalists of the television talent show
  • concert of brass bands
  • performance of National actor of Ukraine and soloist “Metropolitan Opera” (New York), the singer Vladimir Grishko.

d6ceb2ed34c3c76f0e3a2f229af965aaAugust 24 (19: 30-21: 30)

  • choreographic composition on stage and on floating boats
  • cover band Misto
  • representation of popular Ukrainian music theater
  • projection-laser show on the water

In addition, a Gastronomic Festival Go-Go Food will be in the park until the end of the holidays.


We also recommend you read: Dancing in the streetsKharkiv prepares for City Day and Independence Day of Ukraine.