Home Business Kharkiv universities among the Internet’s most active

Kharkiv universities among the Internet’s most active

Photo from http://studentpol.pl/

National Technical University “KPI” and Kharkiv National University VN Karazin entered the top-10 Ukrainian universities in activity on the Internet, reports the City Council.

Kharkiv National University VN Karazin is 7th in “Ranking Web of Universities”, and NTU “KPI” took 9th.

Kharkov National University VN Karazin

The corresponding rating includes more than 20,000 world Universities (344 of which are Ukrainian).

  1. National Taras Shevchenko University of Kyiv
  2. National Technical University of Ukraine Kyiv (Kiev) Polytechnic Institute
  3. Sumy State University
  4. Lviv Polytechnic National University
  5. National Aviation University (Kyiv (Kiev) International University of Civil Aviation)
  6. National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine (National Agricultural University) 
  7. Kharkov National University VN Karazin
  8. Ternopil National Economy University
  9. National Technical University Kharkov Polytechnical Institute
  10. Chernivtsi National University Y Fedkovych 

BACKGROUND: The Ranking Web or Webometrics is the largest academic ranking of Higher Education Institutions. Since 2004 and every six months an independent, objective, free, open scientific exercise is performed by the Cybermetrics Lab (Spanish National Research Council, CSIC) for the providing reliable, multidimensional, updated and useful information about the performance of universities from all over the world based on their web presence and impact.

CSIC is among the first basic research organizations in Europe. The CSIC consisted in 2006 of 126 centers and institutes distributed throughout Spain.