Home Business Kharkiv gingerbreads start to supply to Israel and Germany

Kharkiv gingerbreads start to supply to Israel and Germany


Bakery Saltovsky began to supply in Israel, Georgia, Moldova, Germany, Lithuania and Latvia custard cakes and gingerbreads, announced the head of the bakery products of Lauffer Group in the Kharkiv region, Vladimir Gudyma, reports Status Quo (RU).

122280685_3937411_111According to him, also increased product delivery to Poltava and Sumy regions in 2016.

Gudyma informed that in six months mastered the production of new kinds of products, such as bread “Gourman”, “Kafone”, “Grain Mix”, “European grain”, “Ciabatta”. The total range of products, manufactured under the trademark “Saltovsky” is 70.

130212102403-130311150451-p-O-shokoladnie-maffini-s-shokoladom-i-oreshkamiSince the beginning of the year for the domestic market started the production of new products such as muffins “Chocolate”, “Croissant with chocolate filling,” muffin “French dessert”  bread “Corporate”, lenten cookies “Oatmeal” cake “Tartlet berry-fruit”, cake “Cheesecake”.

In addition, Gudyma noted that in 2016 were carried out all the planned investment projects and implemented a program to increase the wage bill in the enterprise.

BACKGROUND: The Lauffer Group structure consists of “Saltovsky” and “Slobozhanskiy” bakeries. In January-July 2016 bakeries produced 20,000 tons of bakery products, the company’s share in Kharkiv is 35%.

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