Home Culture Ukrainians favour high-quality content in the national tongue

Ukrainians favour high-quality content in the national tongue


According to research sales-house FISH, more young Ukrainians make a conscious choice in favor of the Ukrainian language. Over the past two years the country has stirred a deep experience of authentic human dignity. People don’t realize that in Ukraine is language revolution, which will give rise to completely new processes in the society.

Young people under 30 primarily focus on entertainment that is significantly ‘Russified’. Software, games, pirated movies, books on the Internet – all consumed mainly in Russian.

ukrprostir2aAccording to the portal SichNet (UK), websites with high-quality Ukrainian content are not so much. We are in a vicious circle: on the one hand, the majority of Ukrainians make their sites in Russian, because it is used more, and on the other – search more in Russian, as there are more sites in Russian.

Recently, in the Ukrainian Internet space appeared the term, which describes a new and unique audience “Ukraine-fastidious”. These are users who have deliberately chosen Ukrainian content, who deliberately try to speak Ukrainian.

4-6-e1469618248584One of the most popular categories of sites in Ukraine is the online media. The percentage of users who want to read news and consume quality content in Ukrainian, is constantly grows.

The first online sales-house FISH offers their clients a turnkey solution – a unique promotional product Ukrainians with high quality content in Ukrainian.

Top 450 of Ukrainian Facebook users
Top 450 of Ukrainian Facebook users

According to the researchers, in the UA-net more than 30% of the audience of news resource use Ukrainian version on principle. Ukrainian version of Facebook – 40%.

At present, the Ukrainian-speaking audience on the Internet is actually the size of the mobile audience. These are young innovators who have an active life and social position. Ukrainian-speaking audience is knowledgeable, demanding and proactive.

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