Home Business Ukrainians get online access to Supreme Economic Court

Ukrainians get online access to Supreme Economic Court

Photo from www.unian.net

Ukrainian companies and individuals can apply documents for an open appeal proceedings in the Supreme Economic Court online.

The Ukrainian government service portal iGov signed a memorandum of cooperation with the highest judicial body on business disputes, reports AIN.UA (RU).

“We launched a massive and very popular service, which saves a lot of business people time and money. Indeed, sometimes for submission of documents I had to travel across the country, as for dealing with cases very important time of filing,” explains IT-director of “Privatbank” Dmitry Dubilet.

Provided service: when the client is authorized, he/she and fills out a form and uploads copies certified by digital signature.

After that, the application will be accepted in the work of employees of the Office of the Supreme Economic Court of Ukraine. The sender will receive a message stating that “the documents are registered and transferred for further consideration” along with a cover letter to the application. Or that the appeal has been rejected – with an explanation of the reasons why this happened.

BACKGROUND: Ukrainians can log in iGov using BankID (available for clients “Privatbank”, “First Ukrainian International Bank”, “Alfa-Bank”, ConcordBank, the bank “Pivdenny”), as well as using documents with digital signature.

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