Home Kharkiv Kharkiv tests thunderstorm ‘predictor’

Kharkiv tests thunderstorm ‘predictor’


Specialists of the Kharkiv Research Institute (KRI) “Molniya” / “Lightning” have developed a system that predicts the approach of a storm front up to 15 minutes before its begins, reports “Radіo Svoboda” (UK).

33_tnThe new invention is presently being tested on the roof of the research institute. The device transmits information about oncoming thunderstorms on a computer.

“When a cloud passes over, there appears signals. We measure the signal, transfer it to the server and then use the information to give a danger signal, or a signal to unplug equipment,” said junior researcher of KRI “Lightning” Stanislav Shalamov.

князевAccording to the Head of the electromagnetic compatibility department of “Lightning” Vladimir Knyazev, this device gives an alarm about the approaching storm danger.

“The basic principle offers information here and now. Weather signals transmit that in the Western Ukraine there will be a storm. But where and when, no one can say. We give information about the near future up to 10-15 minutes,” explained Knyazev.

Specialists hope their development will interest the State Emergency Service of Ukraine.

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