Home Business UNICEF invests $1 million in Kharkiv kindergartens

UNICEF invests $1 million in Kharkiv kindergartens

Photo from www.helpachildunicef.com

UNICEF will invest $1 million in the development of a network of preschool education institutions in the Kharkiv region in 2016-2017, reports Kharkiv Regional State Administration (UA).

The region’s first vice-governor, Julia Svetlichnaya, explained that, at the moment, there is a shortage of places for preschool education.

“We are gradually improving the situation. In 2015 we opened 11 new kindergartens. Within two years, the number of places has increased by more than 2,000. This year we continue this work and will seek international assistance,” added Svetlichnaya.

According to her, until the end of the year, six new kindergartens will open in the Kharkiv region.

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