Home Business New free city coworking for journalists

New free city coworking for journalists

Photo from sq.com.ua

From Monday, July 4, a new coworking for journalists and creative people will begin in the press center of Status Quo, according to edition (RU).

Coworking visitors can use all the advantages offered by the press center for free:
– convenient location (Sumskaya street, 39, 3rd floor; metro Universitet);
– air-conditioned room;
– high speed wi-fi;
– tea and coffee.

“Our founders decided it would not be a business project, but a social initiative aimed at improving the quality of the information space,” said the head of the press center Jana Kutina.

Although coworking is free, it does not mean that anyone can use it.

“We will decide who can be here, on the basis of a simple criterion: the person must be a journalist, columnist, blogger, engaged in the creation of the content, be a creative person,” said the chief editor of the Status Quo Natalya Kobzar.

Status Quo leaders invite those who wish to use coworking services. Contact Jana Kutina, Denis Azarov, Natalya Kobzar via Facebook or apply through the project group.

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