Home Education Platform Prometheus raises money for educational revolution in Ukraine

Platform Prometheus raises money for educational revolution in Ukraine


Ukrainian educational platform Prometheus launched a crowd funding campaign on Big Idea.


Prometheus CEO, Ivan Primachenko, told AIN: “Prometheus wants to raise 400,000 UAH for the implementation of three key initiatives over the next nine months.” Money will be spent on:

  1. Launch and translation of new free online courses from leading teachers of Ukraine and the world: from the programming cycles and data analysis to digital marketing and critical thinking.
  2. As the number of users of Prometheus has grown more than four times, the platform requires significant investment in the technical infrastructure of the project.
  3. In autumn Prometheus will launch a pilot project for blended learning in several leading Ukrainian universities. In this format, the students watch lectures of the Ukraine and world’s best teachers, perform tasks online and in universities work on the practice lessons and pass the final exam.

Primachenko believes blended learning can completely change the system of education in Ukraine.

The process of introduction of the blended learning programs, according to him, is almost instant. Prometheus expects to launch a pilot project this autumn, and by 2020, completely reform system of education.

“Ukraine can be the first in the world to carry out a revolutionary technological education reform based on blended learning and online courses!” concluded Ivan.

13406936_983659348354967_1867505365306881792_nThe courses will be combined into the interrelated programs that allow from the ground gain enough knowledge to open a business or become a software developer or a data analyst.

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