Home Business US fund to finance Ukrainian economy

US fund to finance Ukrainian economy

Photo from ru.investing.com

US investment fund Western NIS Enterprise Fund as part of the three-year technical assistance program will provide more than $5.6 million towards the development of the Ukrainian economy, reports the Economy Ministry press service (UA).

johnsonHead of Western NIS Enterprise Fund Yaroslava Johnson said: “We financed the organization of competitions for the selection of heads of Ukrzaliznytsya and have provided funding for the creation of promotional videos about the potential of IT-Ukraine”.

According to her, this year the fund plans to launch two Business Forums (one of which will be held June 20-21 in Toronto) for the promotion of Ukrainian exports, to create a special web portal and organize trade missions.

During the presentation, US Ambassador in Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt, told about the first results of a three-year technical assistance program: “We are proud to have provided start-up capital for the development of the system of electronic public procurement Prozorro. Now the program has become famous all over the world.

BACKGROUND: WNISEF is a $150 million regional private equity fund, a pioneer in Ukraine and Moldova with successful experience investing in small and medium-sized companies. WNISEF was funded by the US government via US Agency for International Development (USAID).

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