Home Business Renovated housing to host IDPs

Renovated housing to host IDPs

Photo from on.od.ua

Internally displaced persons (IDPs) are to be housed in renovated housing at the Krasnooskolskiy neuropsychiatric boarding school in Izyum district, reports press service Kharkiv Regional State Administration (KRSA).

There are 13 rooms completed, each designed for 3-4 IDPs with special needs.

Builders installed new doors and windows, renovated heating system, while all the bathrooms were updated with handrails for people with disabilities.

The repairs were financed by the regional budget and EU/UNDP project funds.

223BACKGROUND: UNDP, together with the European Union and in partnership with local authorities and communities supports projects to rehabilitate social infrastructure in seven areas – in Dnipropetrovsk, Kharkiv, Poltava, Zaporіzhzhya, Odessa, Donetsk and Luhansk totalling 12 million UAH.

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