Home Kharkiv Budget savings ring up 9m UAH plus

Budget savings ring up 9m UAH plus

Photo from trassae95.com

Since the beginning of the year, with the implementation of ProZorro system in the Kharkiv region, more than 9 million UAH has been saved, the deputy chairman of KRSA Julia Svetlichnaya reported.

In general, during the e-procurement of Kharkiv’s budget, institutions saved about 20% of means. The Regional Children’s Hospital achieved the greatest savings – 37 percent – on food procurement.

“The savings are achieved through an open auction system that increases competition and allows suppliers to lower prices for their goods in real time, to form a better offer than the other bidders,” Svetlichnaya stressed.

After Igor Rainin’s order, ProZorro system was implemented as a pilot project in 2015. That allowed the use of electronic auctions for the procurement of goods on the so-called “subthreshold” amounts that do not exceed 200,000 UAH.

“On August 1, according to the new law “On public procurement”, all regional level budget purchases have been converted into electronic format,” the deputy chairman explained.