Home Corruption Kharkiv MPs sabotage the implementation of e-procurement system

Kharkiv MPs sabotage the implementation of e-procurement system


According to the Law of Ukraine “On public procurement” as of August 1, 2016 all public authorities must introduce the e-procurement system Prozorro, but the Kharkiv regional council deputies are trying to delay its implementation, as reported ATN (RU).

According to the deputy of the Kharkiv regional council from the “Samopomіch” Alexander Shmygol, deputies and officials deliberately play for time in the introduction of the system unfavorable for them upon the pretext that there is lots of time till August.

“At the meeting of the Kharkiv Regional Council deputy majority refused to include the issue of the implementation of the project ProZorro on the agenda, despite the fact that the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted the law, according to which all government purchases must be made only via the system,” commented on Alexander Shmygol.

originalThe expert of Agency for e-government in Ukraine Janika Merilo condemned the actions of deputies of the regional council: “This is a typical excuse of politicians and officials who do not want and stand against the implementation of reform.”

There is no basis for delay of the project introducing, experts said. Obviously, the sooner will be introduced ProZorro system, the less opportunities will have the officials to dispose the money in their discretion.

Background. ProZorro system is created within the framework of the public procurement system reform in order to eradicate corruption. The introduction of e-procurement system will give the opportunity for everyone to participate in tenders, create a normal competitive environment, and make transparent reporting and analysis of state procurement.

We also recommend to read other articles School and hospital have joined the e-procurement by ProZorro and The system of e-procurement of goods has started in Kharkiv.