Home Business Deputy US Commerce Secretary learns of Kharkiv IT- and avia-clusters

Deputy US Commerce Secretary learns of Kharkiv IT- and avia-clusters

Photo from http://kharkivoda.gov.ua/

The Deputy Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Europe, the Middle East and Africa (EMEA) Michael Lally and Deputy Chairman of KRSA Julia Svetlichnaya took part in an expanded meeting of the Kharkiv University Consortium of technical direction, according to KRSA.

The key goal of the event was to show the intellectual potential of the Kharkiv region and future projects.

“American companies are interested in cooperation and attracting the intellectual capital,” said Michael Lally.

134a5558-2000x1333-a5a2Kharkiv IT-cluster and aerospace cluster “Mechatronics” talked on the possibilities of projects and future  collaboration with the US delegation.  

Head of Kharkiv IT-cluster, the director and owner of INSART Vasiliy Soloshchuk said that their main goal is to develop an IT-ecosystem of the city, make Kharkiv one of the best locations for making IT-business: “In the IT-sphere 22,000 specialists work in Kharkiv, universities release for about 2,000 specialists a year. We cover the entire production line, which exists in the world. At the moment, we are 15-20% of the IT-industry in Ukraine.”

134a5575-2000x1333-33bdChairman of the Board of “FED” plant, the president of the cluster “Mechatronics” Victor Popov added that the development of motor control systems, control systems, aircraft and spacecraft, development and production of light aircraft are leading prospectives.

During the event, Kharkivens also presented the potential of the Kharkiv University Consortium to American partners.

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