Home Kharkiv Kharkivens decided on location for the monument to the ATO soldiers

Kharkivens decided on location for the monument to the ATO soldiers

Photo from http://kh.vgorode.ua/

Monument to the ATO participants to be installed at Ploshcha Povstania. The location was approved yesterday at the public hearing, Objective reported.

Representatives of public organizations, veterans and participants of the ATO offered other options for the location of the future complex: Freedom Square (at the former location of the monument to Lenin) and near Stella of Friendship between Ukraine and Russia.

After listening to all the proposals, the activists voted unanimously to install a monument in the park near Plosha Povstania. They signed a resolution and approved the plan of the further actions.

In particular, in the near future social activists will appeal to the deputies of the City Council with a proposal on the allocation of land for the monument to the ATO soldiers.

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