Home Culture Kharkiv illustrator Galyna Rogovaya: Don’t put off happiness till tomorrow. Life is...

Kharkiv illustrator Galyna Rogovaya: Don’t put off happiness till tomorrow. Life is good today!

We keep on our talks with creative people of the Kharkiv city. Today we will tell you about a talented young illustrator of children books Galyna Rogovaya. Recently Galyna published a set of books for children that offer to paint with fingertips: “Finger painting” and “Finger drawing”. We asked her about her experience as an artist and discovered a very special attitude to this life and the way artists see it.

bs-YxxReMGgHow did you start your art, when was your creative debut?

I started drawing since the age I learned to sit up and hold a pencil. My creativity has been always encouraged, although nobody of my family draws. My first exhibition “Elven Dreams” (19 works) was held in 2009 in the gallery of Maestro. The following graphs exhibition was called “Surprise”, and it already presented 32 works (including 3 works by my students).

What kind of artists and illustrators are an example for you?

I really like contemporary graphic artists, who work for the publishing house “A-BA-BA-HA-LA-MA-HA”. I always look at their illustrations with great interest and admiration.  I also love works of artists like Vladislav Erko (his “The Snow Queen” cannot leave people indifferent) and Kost’ Lavro. I’d love to learn from them.

o7fa8qiow-gWhere do you get your ideas?

A good rest inspires me! A trip for new impressions, or at least one day of complete idleness can make wonders!

pPkCXtfC4a8The Muse is always with you?

No, of course, like any creative person, crises can occur. I worry when when I do not get on paper what I want to see there. During all the time that I paint, I have formed a very careful attitude to inspiration. You must be thankful for it, but not to yourself but to those higher powers, which bring this special state.

How to return the inspiration in such situations?

The support of my boyfriend, friends and mentors helps me a lot. I like also to have some time for thinking alone and attend gym, where I come for positive emotions.

H1UVa9wbxrEAWZAuDMpwN0Do you think that your work is affecting people?

I noticed that all the visitors of the exhibition change a bit. They leave with a smile and a positive mood. This all speaks for the fact that each of us is a child, and everyone likes to go back to childhood. I want to give people the warmth and comfort; I want to change something for the better. I always sit down to paint only in a good mood, so people looking at my works feel this mood.

How do you perceive the criticism?

I take criticism with interest. What if this is something that will make me better? Or that’s what I’ve been looking for?

How do you spend your free time, what do you do besides drawing?

I also write poetry. I started not so long ago, but now my collection consists of more than 60 poems. I do artistic gymnastics, make souvenirs and jewelry from plastic, crochet, paint the walls, teach drawing to children. I have a wonderful tradition of the weekend – to sleep off!EbTDhwPZTd8

What are your plans for the future, maybe you want to open a permanent gallery, or work as an illustrator in publishing?

I would like to open my own gallery, which wouldU_38pjdmfBo represent my works, books and souvenirs. It would be nice to create a special atmosphere there, so that each guest feels like home. But at the moment I teach drawing and work on the illustrations for publishing at Kharkiv VIVAT publishing house.

Are your works are on sale?

Yes, you can buy handmade copies and printed ones.

So what can you advise and wish to our readers?

Appreciate every passing day, do crazy things, don’t put off happiness for tomorrow. Life is good today!

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