Home Culture “Philosophy of Heart” winners named

“Philosophy of Heart” winners named


The “Philosophy of Heart. Feelings that form life” project dedicated to the volunteer movement, finished selection of works for the competition on December 31.

Professionals and amateurs sent more than 100 photos and 30 videos about volunteer activities.

Among them, three winners were identified in the categories “Photo” for professionals and amateurs and “Video”.

“Initially, we hoped for more winners but unfortunately not all submitted materials met the rules of the competition, according to which the work should reflect volunteer activities and not concern military actions,” explained director of the Department of Mass Communications of KRSA Victoria Annopolskaya.

The prize for the best professional photo – an iPhone 6 – was presented to photographer Sergey Kozlov, the author of “Volunteers feed IDPs”.

photo by
photo by Sergey Kozlov “Volunteers feed IDPs”

The prize for the best amateur photo – an Olympus camera – was given to Kira Jafarova with photo “Glass of Water”.

photo by Kira Jafarova
photo by Kira Jafarova “Glass of Water”

The main prize – a MacBookPro – was handed to Dmitriy Konovalov, author of the documentary story “The Station Kharkiv”.


Annopolskaya said works on volunteer activities related to military actions will be presented at a special exhibition.

The winners of the first contest “Philosophy of Heart” noted this competition is very important for Kharkiv and gives photographers and documentary filmmakers a chance to prove themselves.

Feel free to check our recent post on topic Take part in the photo contest and win a certificate for a trip around Ukraine.