Home Business Workshop: how to get in typography if you are not a designer?

Workshop: how to get in typography if you are not a designer?

Photo from konfetka.od.ua

February 28, City School #kharkovgo will hold a meeting with the manager of the largest digital printing office of Kharkiv “Aladdin Print” Boris Tishchenko and HR-Director Julia Porechnaya. This information was shared on VKontakte page of the community “Kuda b skhodit’?” (“Where to go?”).

kF4Thw0ecF8The organizers offer to talk about the possibilities and methods of career opportunities in large companies. Tishchenko will share his own experience of becoming the head of the office from an ordinary manager.

You will find out what you need to know to get a job at a digital print shop.

Where: gastro-cafe “Barista”, Trinklera Street, 2 (opposite the Kharkiv Palace)

When: 28.02.16
Time: 13:00
Price: free

City School #kharkovgo – this is a new non-state educational project, which aims to change the cultural and physical landscape of the inhabitants of the city of Kharkiv. Graduates receive no diplomas, but the real knowledge and skills.