Home Business The US government will provide support to programs of KRSA

The US government will provide support to programs of KRSA

Photo from gmrgp.ru

The governor of the Kharkiv region, Igor Rainin and head of the department on law enforcement matters of the US Embassy in Ukraine Christopher Smith signed a joint action plan in support of anti-corruption reforms in the region. This was reported by deputy chairman of the Kharkiv Regional State Administration Yuliya Svetlichnaya.

Screen Shot 2016-02-18 at 1.53.51 PMSvetlichnaya recalled: “We have already developed and implemented projects  on the territory of the Kharkiv region with the help of our partners from the United States. I am speaking about the ProZorro system.”

She explained that the new projects will help to fight against systemic corruption in the Kharkiv region.

Anti-corruption projects are aimed at:
• transparency of the budget process;
• systematic work on “deshadowing” of the economy and revealing all shadow schemes in the area;
• improving the quality of administrative services;
• creation of global anti-corruption program, that is agreed with the Security Service, the National Anti-Corruption Bureau, the police and the Anti-Corruption Agency.

US Ambassador in Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt has repeatedly expressed his support for the Kharkiv “reform team”. “The US Embassy sees us as equal partners and support us in the implementation of anti-corruption system”, confirmed Svetlichnaya.

Joint action plan is designed for the short term. The first results KRSA plans to show within six months.

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