Home Business American mapmakers help to update maps of Kharkiv region

American mapmakers help to update maps of Kharkiv region

Photo from reliefweb.int

Deputy Head of Kharkiv Regional State Administration, Mark Becker and Vyacheslav Abbakumov held a business meeting with the geographer of the US State Department Lee Schwartz. They discussed the prospects of cooperation in cartography. This was reported in the press service of KRSA.

Photo from bucknell.edu

According to Lee Schwartz, the US Embassy in Ukraine recommended to launch a pilot mapping project particularly in the Kharkiv region.

“Ambassador of the United States in Ukraine Geoffrey R. Pyatt advised us to choose Kharkiv region not only because of a high level of technical education here, but also because the leadership of the regional administration is open to dialogue and is ready to cooperate and implement reforms”, said Schwartz.

Abbakumov explains: “We are interested in cooperation with US counterparts as maps updating is very important for us. This is connected with the process of unification of territorial communities”.

Mark Becker added that new maps should take into account aspects related to the security of the region as Kharkiv region borders from Russia and contains areas where military operations are conducted. “We need a modern high-quality product that is highly informative to the public, but also has a high level of security”, said Becker.

As a result of the meeting it was decided to establish a working group of experts, who will continue further work on the project together with American colleagues.

We also recommend to read other articles: Geoffrey Pyatt: USA are ready to provide full support for the region and Kharkiv climate system will be presented in the USA.